In an increasingly interconnected world, cybersecurity is a critical field safeguarding the digital and physical infrastructure that underpins our daily lives. Over the past decades, technology’s ability to strengthen the security posture of both products and organizations has advanced significantly. However, cyber attacks are conducted by people using technology, and technology alone cannot understand and analyze human behavior, motivations and intent – all necessary elements in identifying, combatting and mitigating cyber attacks. Technology simply cannot replace the human factor in cybersecurity, especially to think through challenges in context and with creativity. Human input – and a diverse range of input of that – is needed to effectively predict, model, and deter cyber threats.

Currently, the demand for cybersecurity professionals far outstrips the supply: there are 600,000open roles just in the U.S. , but over 3.4 million open around the globe - and the need to fill these positions will only grow as we continue to integrate technology into our lives in myriad ways, and attackers seek to take advantage of that fact.

Heather West, Tanvi Chopra, Alexis Steffaro

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